We'll see you at the show!
Going to HRTech? Don't miss your chance to win exclusive swag and get a sneak peek of Employ's recruiting solutions.
Each day, the first 20 people to visit the booth will get exclusive swag. Then, join us for a demo and get entered to win a Sonos speaker. One winner will be picked daily. No need to pre-register, just show up!
At Employ, our recruiting solutions are designed to fit the needs of your business. We're offering demos of Lever and Jobvite so you can choose which solution is right for you. Join us at the below times to get your swag and see our products in action:
Wednesday, September 25th
Not going to HRTech but still want to see a demo? Fill out the form and one of our specialists will reach out.
Join us for an exclusive first-come, first-serve event with Employ and our investors at K1. Enjoy premium dining, entertainment, and private Ferris Wheel rides!
You will get to connect with fellow senior HR executives to share ideas and forge new relationships 550 feet above the Las Vegas strip!
The venue only holds 130 people and the event is first-come, first-serve, so RSVP before it's too late!